September has been a HUGE month for PyroPrompts!

We have added a member to our little family, we launched public workflows, like the Automation Recommendations, we launched the Store and now we have our Chrome Extension in the store.

Download the Chrome Extension

Stop Wasting Time Copying and Pasting. Save Time with Prompt Snippet Shortcuts.

Write your AI prompts and snippets with a quick shortcut so you can go faster and reuse your best prompts and snippets.

100% Free and no need to register, prompts stored locally in your browser. Save unlimited prompts of unlimited size up to the 10mb extension limit for FREE. helps you organize, share and automate your prompts and integrates with the extension for a seamless experience. Integration with is completely optional, not required to use extension for shortcuts and prompt management.

Download the Chrome Extension

Why do this? I was looking for an extension that does this, but they all charge money, which is ridiculous. So, I built it and am giving it away so you like me and will consider doing business with me in the future.