If you establish a plan, you want AI helping you execute on that plan. Maybe it's a marketing plan, or sales promotions, or you have a system for repurposing content across all your channels.

Let's talk about meal plans and one of the most tedious parts of the week, grocery shopping.

You have the list of things you always need at the store, things you restock on every time. Think bananas or chicken or a loaf of bread. Your staples. This is your running grocery list.

You can keep this list on your phone or in an email and be able to reference this same list every time you go shopping.

But, that's boring. Where's the variety?

So, you look up in the store, "tasty keto dinners" and dig 20 ads, a video, and the author's life story about how they ate dinner growing up, to finally get the ingredients at the bottom.

No way, we're in the AI age now, let's let AI do this for you.

Add a list of your favorite foods, things you really enjoy eating, things you may want more variety around. Like carbonara pasta, how about other creamy pastas like an alfredo sauce. Like a ribeye, how about switching it up with a new york strip? AI can do that.

With PyroPrompts AI Automation, we can run on-demand or weekly for great food varieties of our favorite meals and incorporate that into a separate section of the grocery list so when we go to the store, we see some options and variety.

Pick up the Meal and Grocery Planner Template in the PyroPrompts Store, along with enough credits to run weekly for a year, so you can enjoy the benefits of AI working for you.

I'm on a mission to have every meal I eat be an awesome meal, so that can require a bit of variety, discipline and planning. AI helps me achieve that.