We got some great feedback in the AI Automation Closed Beta we ran last month!

One piece of feedback was that while the Workflows were handy, they would be more powerful if they would work together with other Workflows and be able to save some information.

So, we introduced Projects and Snippets


Snippets are just blocks of text that you can add to Prompts. A single Snippet can be used in multiple Prompts, allowing them to be "in sync" without you needing to copy the same Snippet around.

You can review these Snippets at any time.

Think of them like memory.


Projects are a container for multiple Workflows and Snippets that work together.

You might have a Project for a new Business. In that Project, you could save the description of the business and the target market as Snippets and then have a Workflow for helping analyze the market the business is targeting, a Workflow for creating an offer and another Workflow for creating landing page copy. The Workflows can include Snippets in the Prompts they run and the Workflows can save results back to Snippets.

Projects are isolated from each other and make it easy to manage multiple real-world projects you might be running.

See and manage your projects here.