Have you ever had to copy and paste information about current events into AI so it knows about what is actually going on in the world now? Maybe you have specific websites you follow, communities you participate in, and AI doesn't have great coverage for what's going on there. It would be really handy to have this information available to AI, so you don't need to spend time fetching it and letting AI know. Most of these websites have RSS feeds anyway, let's use those.

RSS Feeds have been a staple of the internet since they gained popularity in the early 2000s. They enable a really simple computer-readable format that allow readers to aggregate news and articles from multiple sources in one place.

Now, AI can use RSS, too!

RSS Lookups in PyroPrompts Workflows

As part of our addition of RAG Capabilities (read more on that here), we have introduced an RSS integration. Simply specify the RSS feed you want to pull articles from and how many articles you want and the AI Workflows will fetch those and make them available to inject into your prompts!

This has a number of really great use cases.

Create an AI-Curated Personal Newsletter

Pull from all your favorite RSS feeds, use AI to determine which articles you're going to find interesting, and have PyroPrompts send you a personalized email every morning (or every week) with exactly what you want to see.

Content Creation from Current Events

If you're already using PyroPrompts for Content Creation, either for blog posts, newsletters or social media posts, you may find that the variation in what it creates can be limiting. No longer! Now, you can reference RSS feeds to inspire AI on what to write about. Combine multiple RSS feeds if you want to have AI create unique mash-ups that your followers will love.

New Meals and Recipes

If you follow any food blogs, you can have AI watch their RSS feeds for any new meals. If AI thinks you will like it, based on your instructions, it can let you know. Or, it can use those new recipes to inspire additional suggestions that might be more along the lines of what you'd like.

We're Just Getting Started

We are launching more integrations, integrations built and powered by AI, but RSS is our first step. Learn more about the PyroPrompts RAG Plan here. Let us know what integrations you want.