PyroPrompts is offering its Power Users AI Automation as part of a closed Beta.

AI is powerful, but it can be tedious to run AI every day. People talk about AI Agents, but that is still a messy topic and an overloaded term. AI Workflows allow you to run specific prompts in specific ways.

AI Workflows

Run AI while you sleep. Have some prompts you like to run for workout or food recommendations? Let PyroPrompts run them and email you the results so they're in your inbox in the morning.

Configure how you want to trigger it, manually with a form or timed. Configure the prompts you want run and how to fill in the placeholders in those prompts. And configure what to do with the response. You can run multiple prompts (multi-step AI), having responses from one prompt fed into another.

Very powerful!

This is all still very early, so we want to offer it to our power users today so we can begin getting feedback on the value it brings and what we need to do to bring it to everyone!