When I consider businesses I want to start, I begin with the target audience. Who I want to serve.

Market Analysis is essential to delivering products and services that help that niche. You understand better this group's goals, what challenges they'll encounter in achieving their goals and then what you can offer them to help them overcome those challenges. Analyzing the market can also inform messaging, how you communicate with these people.

This marketing framework is an adapted and consolidated version, combining ideas from a number of books, including $100M Offers by Alex Hormozi, Dotcom Secrets and Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson and Zero to Sold by Arvid Kahl.

When I read a book, I like to build AI around frameworks presented so I can automate their application and solidify the concept in my mind. If I can write a prompt that regularly applies the framework properly, that can be quite powerful.

I have a sample project with prompts that goes through these steps at the bottom that you can copy.

Back to Basics - Your Target Market

Who are you wanting to serve? The kinds of people who would want to chat with for hours, that you can get nerdy with.

Try to find a group that you can describe simply. You'll want to narrow in on a market who have the following characteristics:

  1. Has Money - If I want to serve people trying to get into programming, they might be broke, which is why they want to get into programming. Might not be ideal. Maybe better to focus on leveling up junior programmers who already have a job.

  2. Can be Targeted - Where do these people congregate? What websites to do they use? Who do they follow on Twitter or YouTube, which subreddits do they browse?

  3. They are Growing - More people are in this group. Newly retired folks are growing as the baby boomers hit retirement age. People selling vacuums door-to-door are not increasing. Having a growing market will give your idea tailwinds.

Make a list of a couple potential markets you're interested in serving who fit these characteristics.

Identify their Dreams and Fears

You want to sell them something that helps them achieve their dreams and avoid their fears. Generally, you can narrow these in around dreams of making money, saving money, saving time, avoiding effort, avoiding pain or improving status.

So, for each potential target market you identified, identify 10 dreams they want to achieve and fears they want to avoid.

For example, if you're running a business building on top of OpenAI's APIs, you might have a dream of using AI to streamline processes and achieve greater efficiency versus the fear of successfully integrating AI into their operations.

At this point, you might begin noticing that you really don't care too much about some of the potential target markets. Forget about them for now, you can always go back.

Identify Challenges from Dreams and Fears

For each potential target market's journey from fear to dream, they will encounter obstacles. Using the same OpenAI example, they might lack of sufficient knowledge and understanding of AI implementation and integration processes. That's one obstacle. List out as many as you can.

Think about what challenge they might encounter next if they get past one. Think about related challenges. Just list them all out.

Again, I have a free sample project with prompts you can copy at the bottom.

Consider Solutions to Challenges

What Solutions can be offered for these challenges. Don't limit yourself to what solutions you would want to offer, just consider anything that could be done to handle the challenge.

In each potential solution, consider if there's a guide or video that could help them solve their problems. Consider what solving the problem completely for them might look like. Consider what would be the most valuable thing for them. Consider what might be cheapest or most expensive to deliver.

Narrow in on Solutions Worth Offering

Identify the effort required, value of and your competency around each possible solution. Eliminate any high-effort, low-value solutions that you don't have any competency around.

See if any high-value low-effort high-competency solutions exist. Those can be your money-makers! You might want to include any of the other ones as a deal-sweetener.


This can give you idea of a framework of how to find people you want to serve and offering them something. Give it a try!

If you want to run this, download our Market Analysis Prompt Pack completely for free! You get all the prompts to run it and you get 10 credits so you can run it in PyroPrompts for free. Available for a limited time!

Go there, accept the Prompt Pack (you need to be logged in), then Create a Project and "Copy from Prompt Pack Project: Market Research Template" to get started. You can run the Workflows in-order and you'll get a final report emailed to you or you can look at the prompts and make adjustments to the logic or build on them with more prompts and workflows. Enjoy!