PyroPrompts has another exciting feature launch in May 2023!

Categorical Tags and Naming

PyroPrompts has added a robust tagging system and pages to view collections of Prompts. Prompts uploaded to PyroPrompts will be automatically tagged with categorical tags using AI. If no name or description is provided, AI will be used to generate a name and description for the Prompt. This makes it easier to find and identify prompts in the future.

Model Tags

As new models are emerging, we have found that some prompts do well on some, but not others. All models have their own quirks. For example, GPT-4 handles complexity that GPT-3.5 won't handle well. When uploading a prompt, you may specify which models the prompt is built to run on, so you can filter or browse by that later.

Tag Pages

Built on top of the Categorical and Model tags, we have Tag Pages where you can view all the Prompts that have that specific tag.

User Pages

Similar to Tag Pages, we have a page where you can see all your prompts, not co-mingled with other people's prompts. And you can go to other user's pages and see the prompts that they have publicly shared.

What's Next!?

We are looking to expand the discoverability of prompts and improving their utility within the platform next. We are talking with our users to figure out what they need to maximize their AI Prompting experience. Enjoy!