You're on board with the AI revolution, you're already ahead of 80% of people who haven't even used AI yet.

So, when people say, "AI will come for our jobs!" you recognize the nuance in it.

It will replace some work that we do. It already can. But, if you know AI, it won't be taking your job. You'll be using it to get more done more quickly so you can make more money in less time and instead of doing tedious repetitive tasks, you'll spend time with friends and family or just kicking it.

"Okay, but how can AI replace doing Customer Support? Isn't that a job?"

Try asking ChatGPT to be a Customer Support rep. How good of a job does it do?

In my experience, giving AI a high-level directive doesn't really work well yet. Maybe that's what AGI will accomplish, or maybe the goalposts will move again.

Instead of starting at the top, providing a goal or a task, and relying on AI to plan and run each step, try starting at the bottom. I call it "Bottom-Up AI"

One simple concrete step.

Then another and another as you build a arsenal of tasks that AI can execute well.

You're not going to expect a new hire to self-guide their learning and just figure out the job. You teach them each part. That's what we need to do with AI.

So, make a Prompt or GPT or PyroPrompts Workflow 😉 that runs well-defined tasks. This could be taking a message from a customer and:

  1. Summarizing the ask to see if additional questions are needed

  2. Detecting positive or negative sentiment for churn risk analysis

  3. Extracting any feature requests

  4. Seeing what knowledge base information exists on their question

  5. Using the responses from the tasks above to propose a response

Each of these tasks can be executed without the AI needing to make big leaps in judgement or plan what to do. Having these Prompts, GPTs or Workflows can speed up handling customer requests, ensure consistency in your customer success operations, and make it easier to delegate to someone else.

As you improve the prompts and gain confidence that they handle their tasks properly, you might want to "just run" them instead of having a human manually run them each time.

This is where Automation and Orchestration comes in. But, that's not what we're discussing today. If you're interested in learning more about this, here's a guide on How to Trigger Zapier Zaps from New Emails.

So, build your arsenal of tasks that you can quickly run with AI so you can accumulate skills. Remember, just 1% of growth a day will result in a 37x in one year. Beat that Nvidia! Kidding, don't try to compete with Nvidia.

Action Item: Make a Prompt, GPT or Workflow to handle one simple, but repetitive, task for you.

I have a bunch of free GPTs that you can use for this. Or, if you're looking for a more form-based AI, I also have a bunch of Free Workflows on PyroPrompts.

AI isn't going to simply take jobs, it's going to allow you to offload some work. I hope you take advantage of it and let me know if I can help at all.