We got some feedback that Projects were still too complex and confusing to configure.

So, we rebuilt the page and we're thrilled with how it came out.

Head over to the Projects Page and either create a new Project or go to an existing one.

First, you'll see a list of all your Snippets and Workflows and all the Prompts those Workflows use along with the list of all Workflow Executions and the Snippets Content for the Project.

When you click on a Snippet, it's full-sized, not in a tiny window like it was before.

When you open up a Workflow, it is on the same page, so you can easily reference your Snippets and the rest of the Workflows. The context of how this Workflow plays with others is essential in creating powerful AI Projects.

Technically, you can click into any of those and there are no additional network requests, it's all already loaded. That's the secret sauce in making it really fast.

The old Project page is still available for now, but we will phase that out as we see people no longer using it.

The new page is great, we hope you're as thrilled as we are with it!
